Monday 31 October 2011

The only thing is that Facebook has not yet been solved, as an ideal product to use to make more money, always and always - is to find the accurate business model. Very interesting topic to write a blog about the first, because I think that to find the business model of Facebook can not be achieved with traditional thinking, such as a Google search and advertising research, for example. Facebook is totally unique, so you need to find individual solutions. In fact, there is no single best business model on this site instead of a number of potential sources of income from various sources. Not just "how can we generate revenue," but equally important: "When we start that." This may seem strange today, but it will be clearer when you read this. Summary of, basically, taking their property, and what made you successful in the first place, and find new ways to use them effectively.

Business Network / Business Profile

Think about it from early February. It would be great if you just log in once and make your network private perspective and professional, although severely divided from each other, relying on the configuration? Would not it also ideal for companies to have a sales network with more than 7 times as many users of LinkedIn, you can give people of all abilities and experience imaginable, while providing all kinds of products and services its 500 million users? Would not it be great for Facebook in order to encourage companies to block the site so far, generating new revenue streams from advertising and other recruitment firms and others? More importantly, the market leaders in the network, LinkedIn and Xing responsible for its users, ie, Facebook would have a legitimate case for favorable business users and the network.

All this would happen if Facebook is a network of businesses, too. This is not even a huge task for them really just using the existing functionality.

It can be configured easily through the automatic transfer of existing (adjusted) data of user profiles in their new professional profiles, allowing users to opt-in for this service and allow more data on the firm be able to activate their skills. The professional profile can be, for example, in a separate tab next to the wall just like a private or other page information on the main profile that allows it to be on Facebook instead, but with the ability to completely block section private when accessed from certain locations while allowing the user to keep the two separate profiles and their connections through the privacy settings. Growing rapidly, at least initially the service is free. Ads may appear to help offset some of the costs of the service and initial operation.

In short, take what works successfully put in connection with a business and get huge bonuses.

Job Market or Labor Market

Labor markets or Job market, integrated business network and the rest of the site could be the next step. Same process as above, with the push of a button, the relevant data from the profiles of other private and transferred to a job search profile (again, if accepted by the user) to add additional data users to complete the right profile, failing that, if a network of existing professional business profile can also act as a job search profile, saving users valuable time and allowing them to easily enter the labor market without filling new form, update your resume, etc.. The first option, a new profile, Facebook allows more data and more publicity, the second is the number of profiles of expansion, ie, reduced complexity and maintenance. Why is - Facebook is the equivalent of the third largest country in the world as a base of talent available at the touch of a button.

Market or Marketplace

Facebook has a market reality, but it's safe to say that never took off the way other parts of the site, he did. I suggest a raise. The advantages are that the access is not necessary and convenient connection in mind, also through very well, mobile Facebook applications. Now, the profile of the company network (at least) sellers need to be integrated with the market, with the acceptance of Facebook users that can use your data for security reasons (for example, to remove users with fake profiles from the start), while also adding more data to act as a seller (key data within Facebook). This large amount of data allows a Facebook fraud rate low enough and offerings, as best suited to each user of Ebay, for example, the huge competitive advantage. Special promotions for goods Facebook also make it easier for many users of Facebook agreed to allow the use of existing data strictly for security reasons.

Now, some examples of things now completely out of reach of Facebook,

Clothing Facebook

Why have not already done so is beyond me. This is a great brand, logo, simple people like. White caps and blue shirts, each with the logo of Facebook, failing that, color adjustment, and maybe a few sweaters, just start. Then the advertising of these products through its advertising system is that simultaneously generates a good example to show the possibilities of buying ads. For non-insurance revenues potentially more important, but very fast to implement and cost effective, with many options including the ability to build the largest online clothing store on the Internet through their own bids and integration of other brands and retailers in an open, equal to what Facebook has done with applications on your site (use what works). Provides tailored (no pun intended) to 500 million users each time you log in, is very powerful here. While opening the brick and mortar stores in the future, Facebook could be a viable option, not necessarily limited to clothing.

Database full of events and event photos

A little 'neat features are great benefits for the user, while a relatively quick and less expensive to implement, are always fun. A comprehensive database of events in each event handler will own events and all Facebook users can find a list of events, concerts, etc., or in any other region. If you travel abroad, for example, you do not know where to look for events, for example, you can contact the event organization, or any other Facebook participate in the event you are interested in a simple and immediate tools are already familiar with. In addition, the ability to add photos of similar events should be implemented. Again, the integration of all functions with the success of Facebook, for example, allowing people to label or brand (for privacy reasons, only the person her-/himself may mean, if you want the other label , the user can be labeled in a public environment), a comment such as buttons, etc..

This means that the decisive barriers and psychological burden for the end user can remove the part, so to speak, without waiting for a reaction mass or a mass exodus of users. Of course, you can simply start charging users of the network assets, but when you open the door ... Needless to say this is the biggest impact on the outcome on Facebook.

Banking functions


Facebook may be offered a variation on a micro-credit for its users (a loan is a very small loans originally designed for the poor in developing countries to participate in independent projects, allowing them to generate revenue - http / / in. Wikipedia org / wiki / Microcredit). Where is the link, you will be required. Data of Facebook users is the dream of a specialist such as credit certain is the non-financial data, where available, is also very valuable in approving the loan current. No bank has something like this in the form of private data. To really use this data, Facebook asked the applicant to sign a document to their Facebook user data can be used in the process of loan approval. You can bet someone who wants money, he agrees. (In addition, applicants will be invited to provide complete financial information, of course, because it is not currently available on Facebook.) In this scenario, a loan officer has made the entire image.

Peer to Peer Lending Platform

It could also serve as a platform for loans peer-to-peer networks, where users lend money to other users such as Zopa and Prosper, who shortly thereafter became the largest on the web, of course. The process would be the same as the micro-credit, you want a loan, you need to share your data with Facebook, so you can ensure that applicants of the requirements, which is the P-au-P as a service to lenders , charge a small fee for it (another source of revenue for Facebook). The benefits of the other platforms are the same as for banks with respect to micro-credit, the amount and quality of data in hand. Another advantage is that the number of social interactions between users increases as lenders and policy makers to interact much in these platforms and an estimate is made pretty sure that would make Facebook even more in the family. This is also potentially a good way to gain experience before offering microcredit, yes, if they wish.

Credit Information

If Facebook decides to go above, or choose to start a new business that could easily become the biggest and best provider of credit information. They have no one else has the information and the banks to pay a lot for this information. Here the problem of privacy must be bigger than Facebook is not possible to transfer data. Since in terms of Facebook, the best would be to allow banks to negotiate with each customer with the bank, a user of Facebook.

I have several examples, but it was just to show that the possibilities are endless.

As I said earlier, mainly to take their property, and what made you successful in the first place and find new ways to use them effectively.

As I said in the introduction, there are many ways to make loads of money and Facebook be smiling Mark Zuckerberg. Not only "how can we generate revenue," but equally important "when you start with that one." It is difficult, and another time line can not be settled by the company, of course. My suggestion would be to start the event pictures / product in line with the corporate network. The latter has the most impact, the first set easily and does not interfere with each other. I have no affiliation with Facebook or no knowledge or access to, so it's just my humble suggestions and hypotheses. What will happen is certainly interesting that Facebook really is and what is possible for them.

Next: How Google can avoid taking on Facebook

My name is Rahmat Karim, Matthias, I have in my hands MBA from the University of Vienna, focusing on Leadership, Human Resources and Psychology in the business environment. My descent Austrian half, Middle Persian will help me a lot in understanding and communicating effectively in multicultural environments. After holding various management positions in the IT industry and stakeholders, and a member of the board of a software technology background I have, too. My main interests are personal development strategy, think about how to improve things, and the international economy and politics, and most importantly - how to help others to achieve excellent results!

Facebook's existing functionality to be incorporated, the examples, the news service Real-time updates, photos of publication (eg, corporate events), which button to easily send relevant news, etc allow the user to do the same things they love making in the social network, even in a business environment and a simple and familiar. This would make Facebook Business Network that much more alive than most existing static, allowing users to be active or passive, content to enjoy the new on-site changing, and what happens in the social network today. Meanwhile, the benefits above huge Facebook, while the development time and cost of this is relatively low, since that provision already existing proven functionality can be used.

This allows Facebook pretty quickly become a major player in advertising billings of labor and more money ejemploganar corporate human resources, special search functions, etc.,and also to generate more money from your existing ad ads on the side.

In addition, users can upload their photos of events and link them to the case (when the events of licensing), which adds much more interesting and certainly a number of user interaction on Facebook. Needless to say, that this is a usual case / photo sites, where often you need to register again, then flooded with ads and is only a partial view of the area, and virtually none of the other options described above. Centralized database is much more convenient. Using the existing functionality of the new application, facebook save resources in the development of these features, accelerating to start (a familiar theme today). Existing sites have no chance against a large database in the world, but inside the giant's offer of 500 million users. This is really hard to see from a technical point of view and make sense of existing sites within 6 months from the publication in their respective fields.

This is an invaluable advantage of being able to calculate whether an applicant is denied or if someone will be able to repay the money. This would translate into a lower rate of loan credit default Facebook, which, in turn, increased profitability, but lower interest rates for the beneficiaries of loans, such as Facebook are low cost loans from banks default under normal conditions. Facebook needs of some people with banking experience to do so, obtain a license (not as hard as it is today, I think the government will be happy if someone wants to provide quality) establish a process and software, or have a bank or a consortium of banks in the bottom of this right and act as a router (the first option makes more money, a second can be easily configured and less risk).

In my opinion, if configured properly, the networks of other professionals are marginalized in about 9-12 months after launch (depending on the implementation plan), and other existing social networks.

Facebook users could get more news, more user-generated content and user interaction, and more advertising revenue (for example, money that flows through the places to go to Facebook) on this.

In any case, the first step would be to start a trial balloon very low (which would be totally invaded, if offered, the "only" in his home state, not talking about Facebook at all). After some time to gain experience in the process can be thought to offer more and become competent to be a regular banks (again, I think the potential customer base of 500 million +), while in-Above all, also do something good to help users more affordable loans. Later, you could even expand to offer more banking functions, as well as an online account, e-commerce ...

1) How to set goals and create action plans and results of mass

2) How to stay dedicated and driven

3) The tools to help you achieve your goals

4) How to enjoy not only the result but the process itself!

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